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The decision for this haircut:
When I don’t feel good, when something is troubling me, then I want to change something in the situation and the easiest access is first the change of external things: as to myself my hair always has had it. When I let cut my hair 6 and a half years ago for the first time, it came from the need to change something about myself and my life in a radical way; perhaps too, because I wanted to show the world, that is my surrounding, that I don’t give up but go ahead. To bring old things to an end. Desire of the new, greed for change.

I perceive myself with this haircut:
I by myself, feel like having found myself with this haircut,
expressing through it who I am. I see in this haircut the expression of   self-confidence, of ‘growing’, but vulnerability and gentleness as well. In the meantime I can’t imagine anymore to wear one day really long hair again because I feel so fine with this haircut and I think it fit’s very well with me. Cordula